
What to Look for When Buying Respiratory Ventilators

How to Choose Respiratory Ventilators

What to Look for When Buying Respiratory Ventilators

With demand skyrocketing, medical facilities all over the world are in desperate need of more respiratory ventilators than ever before. However, the circumstances that have increased demand have also forced medical personnel to exercise greater caution when selecting respiratory ventilators. While this list is far from exhaustive, considering these characteristics can help your facility begin to navigate this decision.

Alarm Functioning

Alarm fatigue is becoming increasingly common, particularly in intensive care units. With so many machines emitting such a wide range of alarms, nurses and doctors alike can easily become desensitised to them. When examining the alarm functionality of ventilators, this should be taken into account. Due to the lack of a standard alarm system for ventilators, each ventilator may sound an alarm at varying levels and for varying reasons. Consider what needs to be alerted, such as gas supply, inspiratory pressure, or power failure, and make sure these alarms are distinct and separate.

Performance of the Battery

Most hospitals are well prepared to maintain power during a local power outage, but emergencies can occur at any time. It is critical to be prepared in the unlikely event of a power outage. This must be considered when purchasing any medical equipment, but especially respiratory ventilators. Because backup battery life varies greatly depending on the ventilator, selecting a system with a longer battery life is essential.

Cost Reduction

In a hospital, cost is more than just a question of making or losing money. It is a matter of having enough resources to provide quality care to patients. As a result, when selecting a respiratory ventilator, cost should also be taken into account. Consider not only the machine’s initial cost, but also the cost of machine maintenance and repairs. You should also think about whether buying machinery outright or leasing equipment is a better option for your facility. Med One provides respiratory equipment that can be rented on a long-term basis. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our ventilators are already in hospitals, but there are still some options available for rent.

Knowing how to provide the best care possible in these situations, and at all times, is one of the most important goals for medical professionals. Knowing how to select respiratory ventilators correctly is just another step toward achieving that goal. And by achieving this goal, we hope to contribute to the restoration of the world’s health.

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