
Ferno S-265 Silver Scoop Stretcher

Price: On Request Suggest Your Price

Length 2010mm (max) / 1650mm (min)
Width 430mm
Height 80mm
Weight 8kg
Maximum Weight Limit 159kg (25st/350lbs)

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Brands:: Ferno


Evacuating someone from an accident zone is no easy task. If someone has been injured, it is essential that these wounds are not further aggravated during the transporting as otherwise it could lead to further complications. While being particularly important for those suffering from a back injury, they are not the only ones who need to be immobilised. But finding the right sort of stretcher for other injuries can be difficult.

The Ferno S-265 Scoop Stretcher is ideal for people with hip injuries. The ends of the stretcher unlock, meaning the victim can literally be scooped up and remain in the positioned they were found in, preventing aggravation of the injury. The scoop stretcher is ideal for patients who have suffered from a hip injury or accident. Both ends can unclip if necessary, allowing the patient to be scooped up with a scissor-style motion. This means the patient can remain in the same position as how they are found, reducing the risk of further injury.

The twin safety locks means it is a smooth process to either unlock or lock the stretcher, reducing any jolting or discomfort for the patient. To help ensure the best comfort for the patient, adjustable telescopic tubes mean the length of the stretcher can be adjusted for different heigh patients.

The stretcher narrows at the foot end, making it ideal for handling in enclosed or confined spaces. There are three comfortable patient straps to secure the patient regardless of what position they are being transported in.

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